Retirement Planning & Estate Planning / Succession Planning

Retirement Planning:
The first step in retirement planning is getting to know you and your goals and to have a talk about how we can get you there and what investments are the best for you.
I love helping Baby Boomers manage their retirement savings so they can last and young Millenials that are at the beginning stage of retirement planning. No matter where you are in your retirement planning journey, it’s never too late to start! Buerger Financial Services is ready
to guide you, making retirement planning a breeze. Get in touch with me below to get started.

Estate Planning/ Succession Planning:
We all have a need to take care of our family and secure their future. One way to safeguard your wealth is by creating and updating your estate plan. Life insurance and investments are integral to estate planning, and are one of the reasons why advisors are so important. It can be
difficult to consider all the situations and decisions you may face when planning you and your family’s financial future, which is why an advisor can help you articulate and document your thoughts, wishes and goals in an estate plan.

Did you know that segregated funds save you money on probate taxes and life insurance benefits are all tax-free? Connect with me below to find out more on how to save tax and get your estate plan in order.

Need a personalized solution?

We Know The Importance Of Delivering The Best Customer Experience.

    Located in Saugeen Shores, Buerger Financial Services is here to provide clear and simple solutions to life’s biggest financial challenges. I work with you to provide the best recommendations catered to your needs from a wide variety of major insurance and investment companies in Ontario.

    Phone: 519.389.1206